Ravenfield Wiki

Coastline is a map released in EA8.


Coastline is a water-based map, similar to Island and the two Archipelago maps. However, like Temple, it has extreme changes in elevation and focuses more on close-to-midrange range combat, albeit to a much greater degree.

Coastline consists mainly of a large island with a small cove surrounded by cliffs that increase in elevation further inland. The far side of the island is almost entirely sheer cliffs that are difficult to climb, acting as a de facto map boundary. The battle will quickly see itself divided over several exclusive lanes, making it difficult for mindful tacticians to seize control of the battle as a whole.

Points of Interest[]

List of Capture Points
Vehicles / Turrets Default Alignment
  • 1x Jeep MG
  • 1x APC
  • 1x Quadbike

  • 1x Jeep MG
Town none Neutral
  • 1x Jeep MG
  • 1x APC
  • 1x Quadbike
  • 1x RHIB
  • 1x Jeep MG
  • 1x TOW
  • 1x Quadbike
  • 1x Quadbike
  • 1x Attack Boat
  • 2x RHIB
  • 1x Jeep MG
  • 1x Quadbike
  • 1x RHIB


The starting flag of the blue team, it offers immediate access to Cliff, and a long risky path towards Harbor and Lighthouse. The flag itself has a very sparse layout, and serves mainly as an APC spawn and staging point for the rest of the map. Otherwise, it tends to be a secluded and somewhat less valuable flag to own.


The Cliff is the highest point on the map. A set of ruins fortified by HESCO walls and sandbags is nestled behind some large stone statues, isolated from the rest of the battle. A staircase set into the side of the cliff provides a direct path to Bridge, while a dirt path on the other side curves meanders directly into Town. While it offers an excellent vantage point on Town, Bridge and Bluff, defending this flag can be awkward due to how narrow and exposed the staircase rout is.


Adjacent to all other flags except for Lighthouse, the Town is a constant hotzone of activity. The tightly spaced buildings and narrow alleyways make the Town the go-to spot for close-range combat. Often, captures will take place by sheer virtue of confusion, the buildings either concealing incoming aggressors until the last possible second, or outright hiding invaders even as they take the flag. The area also severely lacks defensive barricades facing the Spring, and is therefore frequently stormed from that direction.


The Bluff is the secondary starting point for the Red team. HESCO walls loosely guard the flag from the front and rear, while a TOW provides a direct counter to the Attack boat spawn at Harbor, far below. The front entrance faces both the Town and a winding path leading down to Harbor. At the back entrance, A set of stairs provides a second split route that leads to Harbor and Spring, down along the side of the cliff. It offers a sprawling view over most of the map, and is particularly adept at harassing enemies at Harbor. Because this flag's main defensive barricades face outwards instead of towards the entrances, it is prone to ambushes and surprise captures.

An Eagle Quadbike spawns by a house on the far side of the bridge, though it is not affiliated with any capture point, and bots will ignore it.


The Spring is the main starting points for the Ravens. It consists of a small lagoon surrounded by steep cliffs on three sides. The RHIB that spawns in the water can be taken down the waterfalls into the open sea, provided it doesn't capsize upon reaching the bottom. A curving dirt road provides a means of traveling inland. Apart from the natural cover provided by the cliffs, this is one of the least heavily fortified points on the map, lacking even basic protection for respawning bots. It can be assailed from Harbor and Lighthouse from the water, and since bots have no cause to walk all the way down to the beach, any assaulting water teams are almost guaranteed to reach the flag with little resistance.


Despite Offering an attack boat to those who own it, Harbor is one of the most disadvantageous flags on the map. Since the only defensive barricades are located on the adjacent street lane, isolated from the actual capture point by houses, there exist no good vantage points from which to defend against even the smallest assault squads. Otherwise, it can function as a decent water-based staging point for attacking Spring, and offers a better chance of success than Bridge when it comes to assaulting Lighthouse.


The Lighthouse is situated on a peninsula on the southern side of the map. The lighthouse itself can be scaled from the inside, and offers a very strong position against most of the map, although incapable of defending against nearby threats due to its height. At night, its light sweeps across the whole map.

Other Points of interest[]


There are several waterfalls in various parts of the map. The most significant of these is on the river between the Bridge and the Cliff.


Just south of the town, a large stationary crane sits erected high above the construction site. It also possess a ladder leading to the top, but because of its placement, serves no real strategic value during battles, other than being another sniping point.

Construction site[]

A large and elaborate playground of multiple levels and vantage points, even coming with its own supply crate, the site offers a seldom-used path between the Town and Harbor flags.

Dock (removed)[]

The Dock used to be one of the main capture points for the Eagles (or the Ravens in Reverse Mode). It was one of the lowest points on the map. It consisted of a concrete platform fortified with sandbags, and defended by a TOW. An MG Jeep and two Quadbikes spawned on the platform. Two sets of stairs lead down from the platform to a floating dock where three RHIB's spawn. It was an extremely isolated and cramped location, offering very little to the battle overall. It was also so close to the map boundary that one could occasionally catch a glimpse of the underside of the terrain.

Easter Eggs[]

If the UFO on Temple was activated and point match victory was achieved as Eagle on Coastline, A cutscene on Lighthouse will play out. This cutscene is required to obtain the Railgun.



  • The crane was once used as a testbed for ladder implementation, going so far as to have a temporary flag on top from which bots spawned. This mid-development change never made it into a public beta.
    • Incidentally, the crane's unofficial name is "Tupac", because the developer was listening to Tupac whilst creating it.
  • The first pass of this map was created by user RobStorm, creator of the stealth / infiltration video game Intruder. As a result, the map appears to have far more distinct and segregated paths than any other Ravenfield map.
    • The original version even went so far as to have extremely narrow trench-like paths carved out in the mountains between Bridge and Cliff.